Friday, 8 July 2011

Know about friendship!

Praise Jesus for His countless wonders and blessings!

The word of God says in Micah 7:5, " Do not trust a neighbor; put no confidence in a friend."

My dear friends,
   Does the verse seem weird to you? Do you trust your friends a lot? Okay..its not just can even consider it as 'man'. Do you put your confidence on 'man'?
  Well..I am not here to say," Don't ever believe anyone. So don't be friends with anyone. Stay aloof and always be alone. Don't stick together with people."
  Ha..Ha..Ha..No! I don't mean it like that nor does the BIBLE!!

Oh..! Then what is the meaning of the verse above??

The Holy Bible says in Proverbs 27:10," Do not forsake your friend...."  also in verse 6," Wounds from a friend can be trusted..."

 In fact, there are a lot of verses in the Bible regarding 'friends'. The Holy Bible also talks about two friends, David and Jonathan, who loved each other very much.

 So friends, it is not bad to have friends, but what God wants from His children is that 'We be careful of our friendship'
Be on your guard! Do not let friendship deceive you from the path of righteousness.
More the Bible talks about the positives of friendship, it also warns us equally.

Our friendship should be strong in Jesus for He has called us friends:-)
 You can see this in John 15:12-14. Jesus says, “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command.

His commands are too simple. He does not demand from us our money, wealth or anything. In fact, He demands nothing at all from us.

All that He requests is that 'We love Him as He loves us'. His love is greater! He called us friends :-)

To know more about what God says about friendship, you can visit the link below.

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